Editor's note: This post covers Day 3 of Stout's final table run at the recent WPT Foxwoods main event. To play catch up check out Days one and two before reading this.
I went into Day 3 of the WPT Foxwoods event with a slightly above
average stack of 174k @ 1200/2400 (300) and immediately went on a
heater. On the second hand of the day I received something that you
rarely get in $10k events: a gift!
A player decided that they were going to stack off 8♠ 8♦ against my T♦ 8♥ on a 10♥ 9♠ 6♥
flop for about 75k after they min-raised before the flop and I called
from the big blind ... basically because I suspected that they might
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